Photography is Actor Jeeva's new interest.Came to know about this when I met him on the sets of kho . Jeeva was busy shaking legs for a peepy song in a bar st up. Amidst his tiresome shooting,he managed to learn more about cinematography on the sets from the cameraman turned director k.v Anand. Jeeva is playing the role of a photographer in the film as well.Got talking to Jeeva on his secret passion. Actually speaking its a good time pass to meet a star in a shooting spot,at the same time very tedious to sit and wait doing nothing untill the shot is completed. They have been shooting a single line of the song from the morning. I did'nt find any mistake in that shot but they could find something or the other.7,6 5,4,3,2 ..the dancer master was screaming the whole day..7,6,5,4,3,2..song..cut..then again counts and comes the song,again cut. I seriously wondered that when they would finish the full song . anyways that is producer's headache.It was not boring as i was enjoying the song and watch the dancers dancing. In the break I caught up with jeeva for some time.
"I wanted to become a film technician before I get into acting" says Jeeva.."Am very much interested in photography.when I go out for foreign shoots I used to shoot everything in my camera,will compose a background score,edit the song and shape it into a beautiful montage song.I have many montage song collections.".Ieeva showed me some of his montage songs in his ipod. That was quite interesting to know about the other side of an actor." If am not into films i would have been a photographer .even now after some time i may get into photography.still learning lots about photography".he has almost clicked 20,000 photographs so far in the kho shooting spots...
Jeeva was excited on sharing his photography interest and he also spoke to me about his upcoming film 3 idiots..I composed it to an interesting article about photography. Jeeva has sent some of his clicks. but the article turned out differently focussing on 3 idiots at the editorial desk.as my editor was not interested in photography,he focussed more on 3 idiots. I know that jeeva would be disappointed with that focus. I tried hard to retain my concept but did;nt work out."I feel proud to act with Vijay in 3 idiots" says Jeeva..This was the title of the article. After the article got published Jeeva was unhappy with the context of the article.I apologized and explained to him about the editorial discussion. later he was ok with it. finally got a message from Jeeva"hey chill..no issues..cheers".. Was relieved after that message. I know it was unfair on my editorial team's part to change the concept of an article..This happens sometimes and I learnt an important lesson that I should keep up my words. I was not able to deliver an article of my choice in my magazine due to editorial team's interference. but am happy that I could share an article of my choice here.."click..click." actor Jeeva's New Interest.. title of my choice..