the dangerous low waist pants are banned in american schools as it is an unnecessary distraction.the students are not supposed to wear these pants inside the school south america low waist pants are allowed to wear only to the discothes.chinese girls avoid wearing low waist in public places.but here in conservative chennai? low waist pants are the most favourite outfit for the chennai girls.they go around in bikes casually revealing their undergarments in the name of fashion.the most uncomfortable low waist pants are worn comfortably by the teens.when the western countries are so cautious how come cultural biased indian girls feel so cool wearing glamorous low waist latest article in my magazine is about the comfort level of low waist pants.
"the style of the low waist pants is to reveal the thinny hip portion in a girl.there is no chance of the panties to be seen.but some girls wantedly wear it like that" says a chennai based fashion designer.she continues."these pants are designed especially for the thinner girls and those who maintain a perfect shapy figure.but sometimes fatties wear such pants and spoil the beauty of it.once the undergarments are shown out of this pant the glamorous low rise pants turn vulgar.while wearing a low waist pants girls should keep two things in mind..
- should not wear a low waist without belt
- there are particularly designed low waist undergarments available in the market .these underwears are to be worn while wearing a low waist.
we can see girls keep on adjusting their pants in public places like shopping malls and theatres.if they drop something they cant even pick it office atmosphere you have to find a closed chair to sit comfortably.inspite of all these discomforts the girls are so crazy over the low waist."i wear low waist because its so stylish.i even work on my hip area regularly to wear these pants.for a thinner girl like me low waists are fine" justifies a second year college girl, she was spotted rt outside the college stylishly dressed in a low waist and a mini t.shirt.
the low waist pants are little costly with the starting price of rs.1800..'just 1800 bugs'..says some of the college girls.
anyways let the low waist be sexy,glamorous.comfortable,attractive.stylish,.are the girls ok with it? long as they are ok with it these low waist pants will rock the fashion trend.finally low waist pants are glamorous or vulgar?.the answer depends upon how these pants are worn..